
kind of body color Learn more about kind of body color

  • What kind of fish is mixed with colorful fairy fish?

    What kind of fish is mixed with colorful fairy fish?

    What kind of fish is mixed with colorful fairy fish?

  • Changes of characteristics of cultured Pelteobagrus fulvidraco and its relationship with feed

    Changes of characteristics of cultured Pelteobagrus fulvidraco and its relationship with feed

    Changes of characteristics of cultured Pelteobagrus fulvidraco and its relationship with feed

  • Why can't the body color of yellow croaker turn yellow in running water culture?

    Why can't the body color of yellow croaker turn yellow in running water culture?

    Why can't the body color of yellow croaker turn yellow in running water culture?

  • How much is a colorful fairy fish on the market? What kind of fish can you mix with? How to raise and grow well? How to choose?

    How much is a colorful fairy fish on the market? What kind of fish can you mix with? How to raise and grow well? How to choose?

    Although the colorful fairy fish is called the fairy fish, its genetic relationship with the fairy fish is far away, it is colorful and rich, striped all over the body, it is difficult to distinguish the head, body and fins from a distance, very similar to the discus on the track and field, so it is called the discus in English. Here, let's take a look.

    2020-11-11 City face colorful immortal fish price more less money one
  • How to raise ornamental fish, silver arowana? Mixed with these six kinds of fish!

    How to raise ornamental fish, silver arowana? Mixed with these six kinds of fish!

    Silver arowana, also known as double-whisker hyoid fish, is a kind of ornamental fish with easy breeding, low feeding cost and high ornamental value, so many people like to keep a tank at home or at work, so how to raise silver arowana? What kind of fish do you mix with? First, how to raise silver arowana? Silver

    2020-11-11 Ornamental fish silver arowana how raise and these six kinds fish mix
  • The elegant Little Princess "Fairy Fish" Culture Collection of Tropical Fish

    The elegant Little Princess

    Fairy fish, also known as swallow fish, angel, small fairy fish, small fin sailing fish, etc., Riceae fish, native to South America Guiana, Brazil. The fairy fish grows 12-15 centimeters.

  • How to identify the quality of fish species

    How to identify the quality of fish species

    First, to see whether the specifications are uniform of the same kind of fish, those who come out of the pond with uniform specifications are generally more physically fit. Second, to see if the fish is glossy and strong, there is a layer of mucus on the body surface of the fish to protect the scales and skin from germs, so the body surface shows a certain luster. On the other hand, the body surface of sick and injured fish is lack of mucus and no luster, or some diseased fish have too much mucus and lose their luster. Third, the body color of the fish species reflects its advantages and disadvantages through the body color of the fish species. The body surfaces of high-quality fish species are respectively:

  • What kind of fish are oil fish and cod? The difference between them is introduced!

    What kind of fish are oil fish and cod? The difference between them is introduced!

    Oil fish and cod are not only fish, they also look similar, but cod is more expensive than oil fish, so there is a phenomenon of fishing in troubled waters on the market. So what's the difference between oily fish and cod? What kind of fish is oil fish? 1. Oil fish is a common carp

    2020-11-11 Oil fish and cod what are fish their differences introduction
  • To identify fish species by observing their faces and colors.

    To identify fish species by observing their faces and colors.

    A look at the specifications of fish species the specifications of the same kind of fish in the same pond should be neat and uniform, with little difference in body length and weight. On the contrary, the overall survival rate of poor fish species with large individual gap and uneven quality is often very low due to predation, mixed germplasm, poor feeding and other reasons. Second, look at the body color of fish species. The body color of fish species is bright and full of luster. Generally speaking, the back of high-quality silver carp should be silver-gray, the side of the body and abdomen should be silver-white, and the body color of high-quality grass carp should be light golden yellow and gray-black net.

  • How much is a map fish?

    How much is a map fish?

    How much is a map fish?

  • How to distinguish high-quality fish species

    How to distinguish high-quality fish species

    A look at the specifications of fish species the specifications of the same kind of fish in the same pond should be neat and uniform, with little difference in body length and weight. On the contrary, the overall survival rate of poor fish species with large individual gap and uneven quality is often very low due to predation, mixed germplasm, poor feeding and other reasons. Second, look at the body color of fish species. The body color of fish species is bright and full of luster. Different species and different feeding methods have different body colors. Generally speaking, the back of high quality silver carp should be silver gray, the side of body and abdomen should be silver white, and the body color of high quality grass carp should be light.

  • Is the lantern fish tropical fish?

    Is the lantern fish tropical fish?

    Is the lantern fish tropical fish?

  • Skillful identification of high quality fish species

    Skillful identification of high quality fish species

    Look at the specifications of the fish species the specifications of the same kind of fish in the same pond should be neat and uniform, with little difference in body length and weight. On the contrary, the poor fish species with large individual gap and uneven quality often result in low overall survival rate due to predation, mixed germplasm, poor management and other reasons. Look at the body color of the fish. The body color of the fish is bright and shiny. Different species and different culture methods have different body colors. Generally speaking, the back of high-quality silver carp species should be silver-gray, the side of the body and abdomen should be silver-white. Excellent

  • Raccoon dog variety: Jilin white raccoon dog

    Raccoon dog variety: Jilin white raccoon dog

    The Special products Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, using the mutant white gene in wild coat color (common color type), has successfully bred our existing new color raccoon dog, Jilin white raccoon dog, after 16 years of research. From the phenotypic point of view, there are two kinds of new-color white raccoon dogs: one is that the needles and villi of other parts of the body are pure white except the rims of the eyes, the margin of the ear, the tip of the nose, claws and the tip of the tail; the other is that the hairs and villi of all parts of the body are pure white. Two kinds of white raccoon dogs are of body shape, appearance, habit and multiplicity.

  • Koi and what kind of fish are well raised together, and what kind of koi is more ornamental?

    Koi and what kind of fish are well raised together, and what kind of koi is more ornamental?

    Koi is a popular ornamental fish, so what kind of koi is more ornamental? The choice of koi can follow certain criteria. Since ancient times, the evaluation standard for koi has been 50 points in posture, 30 points in color and 20 points in pattern.

  • What kind of tea does Mao Jian belong to?

    What kind of tea does Mao Jian belong to?

    What kind of tea does Mao Jian belong to?

  • Parrot fish and what kind of fish mixed culture is better parrot fish water temperature is appropriate

    Parrot fish and what kind of fish mixed culture is better parrot fish water temperature is appropriate

    Fish is a kind of animal that we are very familiar with, and fish is also a delicacy with delicious taste and rich nutritional value. Many people say that raising fish at home can bring good luck, so fish farming is a very common phenomenon. But there are many kinds of fish.

    2020-11-08 Parrot fish and what mixed culture ratio better water temperature how much
  • Causes and prevention of abnormal coral monkey head mushroom with bald and unthorny mushroom color

    Causes and prevention of abnormal coral monkey head mushroom with bald and unthorny mushroom color

    Causes and prevention of abnormal coral monkey head mushroom with bald and unthorny mushroom color

  • The method of selecting koi in that year, the choice of body size and color of koi

    The method of selecting koi in that year, the choice of body size and color of koi

    The choice of body size and color of koi requires that the fish's back is straight, the fish is balanced left and right, the swimming posture is stable and correct, and the body is vigorous and powerful. The shape and mouth position of the cheek are correct, no askew, both ends are full and not sunken, each fin should be symmetrical and complete, and be flexible when swimming. ...

  • What are the varieties of goldfish?

    What are the varieties of goldfish?

    What are the varieties of goldfish?
